Recommended tools required for disassembly and service:
Service wrench (included in operators manual packet); use with 1/2” Torque Wrench to torque rings to specification.
7/8 socket or wrench.
3/8 socket or wrench.
1/2” socket or wrench.
Phillips screwdriver.
O-ring pick.
Loosen the fluid cap retaining rings to a free spinning condition. Utilize the service wrench. Position the teeth tight to the ring and pull against the
outlet manifold.
Remove (14) outlet manifold by unthreading the bolts (21).
Remove (16) seats and (15) balls from outlet manifold.
Remove (18) inlet manifold by unthreading the bolts (21).
Remove (16) seats and (15) balls from (13) fluid caps.
Remove one (13) fluid cap assembly by unthreading (13A) retaining ring. Utilize the service wrench and torque wrench. These should spin freely
by hand (already loosen by note #1).
Remove second (13) fluid cap assembly by unthreading (13A) retaining ring. Utilize the service and torque wrench.
repeating as noted in bullet
#6 .
Remove (11) diaphragm nut, (10) diaphragm, and (9) back-up washer (use 7/8” socket or wrench).
Remove (8) diaphragm rod with second diaphragm, diaphragm nut and back-up washer from center-body.
Remove the second diaphragm nut, diaphragm, and back-up washer from the diaphragm rod (use a crescent wrench in the flat located in the center
of the rod to secure the rod while removing the second diaphragm nut. As before remove the diaphragm nut with a 7/8” socket or wrench.
Reassemble in reverse order (NOTE: Take note of key flats on fluid caps and center body to ensure proper alignment).
Lubricate the diaphragm rod prior to installation (use supplied LUBRIPLATE ® Super FML-2
When replacing PTFE diaphragms, be certain to position the PTFE towards the fluid cap.
Add a medium grade thread locking compound to the diaphragm rod threads (item 8, page 8).
Observe noted torque specifications for all fasteners / rings (
torque specification table on page 8
); use service and torque wrench; torque to
When assembling the fluid caps to the centerbody, use the service tool to tighten the rings to the correct torque specification. Correct torqueing of
the rings is critical to proper sealing.
Torque specs are listed on page 8.
Unthread and remove (7) flange head bolts (using a 3/8” socket).
Remove the (6) valve block assembly from the pump.
Remove (4) ceramic valves from pump.
Remove (3) major valve track gasket from pump.
Remove (5) pilot valve track gasket from (6) valve block assembly.
Remove (2G) collar from valve block assembly.
Remove components from valve block. Separate (2E) O-ring from (2F) plug. Separate (2B & 2D) U-cups from (2C) spool. Take careful note of the
direction of the U-cup lips; they must be reassembled correctly for the air section to work correctly.
Disassemble the fluid section per instructions above.
Remove (1C) screws, (1B) seal retainers, (1A) U-cups, and (1D) O-rings from each side of the (1) center-body. Take careful note of the direction of
the U-cup lips; they must be reassembled correctly for the air section to work correctly.
Reassemble in reverse order.
Lubricate all sliding seals prior to installation (use supplied LUBRIPLATE ® Super FML-2
Observe noted torque specifications for all fasteners (torque specification table on page 8) use service and torque wrench; torque to