Operator’s Manual
022016 ENG
Oil Plugs / V entilator
. Prior to removing plugs, ensure that the pump
has cooled suffi ciently so that oil will not burn.
emove ventilator plug prior to removing level
and or drain plug.
Do not stand over ventilator plug while
removing as pressure build up behind valved
ventilator may cause it to eject when removed.
. Place a container under the oil drain plug to be
It is recommended that the oil should
be slightly warm ( 104 ° F – 122° F [ 4 0° C –
5 0° C] ) when drained. Cooler oil will be
more diffi cult to drain correctly.
efi ll oil through the ventilator position.
efi t all plugs after fi lling.
lean away oil spillage.
here re-greasing points are provided, add
shots monthly of
grade grease.
ith the drive stationary, periodically clean any
dirt or dust from the gear unit and the electric
motor cooling fi ns and fan guard to aid cooling.
. Ensure dust buildup does not e ceed . in.
( mm).
All D- and D- blowers built since October
are fi tted with oil mist eliminators in the oil
separator. f the oil separator has a fi lter, it will be
necessary to periodically replace the fi lter element
and remove any sludge accumulation.
The frequency of this is dependent upon the
following conditions
isual inspection shows the element to be
blocked by foreign matter. A back pressure
through the fi lter element e ceeding P l
indicates that the fi lter element is unduly
restricting the gas fl ow and should be changed.
Motor current exceeds manufacturer’s
specifi cations.
A ruptured element or the gaskets are not
sealed, allowing mist to be discharged.
The oil separator on D- A and D-
is equipped with an oil drain-back device to return
oil to the reservoir that has penetrated the fi lter
element. The check-type drain-back closes to
prevent the e haust gas from bypassing the fi lter
when the inlet pressure is high and opens to
allow the oil to drain back as the inlet pressure
is reduced. f the pump is operated at high inlet
pressures, over Torr, for time periods e ceeding
several hours, no drain-back can occur and fi lter
effi ciency is reduced. nder such conditions,
isolate the pump from the system with the main
isolation valve, and run at blank-off pressure for
minutes to allow the oil to drain back. f
the pump is always operated with lengthy high
pressure, then install an e ternal oil return line as
A return line can be installed to return oil that
collects in the fi lter area back to the pump.
The successful operation of this arrangement
is dependent upon having the oil return to the
pump at a point that is compatible with the pump
operating pressure level.
See Figure 7-1 on page
. enerally, oil must be returned to a low
pressure point. The oil separator has an oil return
valve that allows oil fl ow back when operating at
pressures below Torr.
Summary of Contents for KINNEY KD Series
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