Page 10
Step 71:
Slice the rear fuselage for the
hinge also
Step 72:
Bevel the rudder, stab and elevator
to allow desired deflection
Step 73:
Mark a line 3/4” from stab rear
centered 18” long as shown
Step 74:
Slice on the line as shown.
Step 75:
Cut and taper 1/32” x 1/2” G10
spar to fit in the slot as shown.
each end
to a
point as
Step 76:
Glue the spar into the horizontal
stab as shown
Step 77:
Tape the joint to clamp it while the
glue dries.
Step 78:
Carefully remove the tape when
glue is dry.
Step 79:
Hinge elevators onto stab glue with
mylar and CA / kicker like the ailerons
Step 80:
Locate and remove plastic from
the control horn clear plastic
a covering iron
helps to loosen
tape if it tends to
pull foam chunks
from the corners
Be sure to flex the
hinge for your
desired travel
(50 degrees each
way is good for