The on-screen amplitude range is 80 dB with a reference level of -20dBm or 0dBm. Amplitudes can
alternatively be displayed in dBµV. Vertical magnification to 5dB/div can be selected. Average noise
floor is better than -90dBm at -20dBm reference level and 15 kHz RBW.
Sweeps can be continuous, single shot, peak hold or average (2 to 256 sweeps). Sweep time is defined
by the span and resolution bandwidth, and varies between 0.1 sec and 30 sec. A zero span mode is
available with AM or FM audio demodulation.
Twin vertical marker lines are available giving a readout of frequency and amplitude to a resolution of 0.1
kHz and 0.1 dB. Markers can be manually positioned or automatically peak finding and tracking.
A reference trace can be displayed in addition to the live trace. Limit lines can also be created and
The graticule is fully controllable. Any number of traces can be stored to permanent memory for recall to
the screen or for data export. Limit lines, instrument set-ups and complete screen bitmaps can also be
Battery life depends upon screen brightness, but is around four hours of continuous operation from a
charge. To conserve the battery, auto-sleep mode can be selected whereby the unit turns off
automatically after a defined period from the last key press. All data is retained when off.
Pressing the Help hard key brings up a help screen relevant to the current menu position.
Full details
of the product capabilities are given with the Specification section 6 and Using the
PSAnalyzer Application section 18 onwards.