Store Trace:
press this key to store the live trace, as currently displayed on the screen, into a memory
location. Opens a window showing existing stored traces and a default file name (e.g. trce001). Over-
write file name, if preferred, using on-screen keyboard. Press OK to store.
Recall Trace:
press this key to recall a stored trace to the reference trace. Opens a window showing
existing stored traces which can be selected directly on-screen or via the 5-way navigator . Press OK to
confirm recall.
Store Setup:
press this key to store the complete set-up of the instrument into a memory location.
Opens a window showing existing stored set-ups and a default file name (e.g. sett001). Over-write file
name, if preferred, using on-screen keyboard. Press OK to store.
Recall Setup
: press this key to recall a stored setup. Opens a window showing existing stored setups
which can be selected directly on-screen or via the 5-way navigator . Press OK to confirm recall.
Copy Screen:
copies the whole visible screen (from above the menu area) to a bit-map image file.
Opens a window showing existing stored screens and a default file name (e.g. scrn001). Over-write file
name, if preferred, using on-screen keyboard. Press OK to store.
Lim. Line Editor
: enters the Limit Line Editor sub menu which enables values to be entered to create
limit lines for the display, and to save and recall limit lines from memory (see section 20.9).
To exit this menu
and return to the home menu press the Back (Home) key or the grey area at the top
left of the menu..
System Menu
press to set the number of sweeps that will be averaged when averaging mode is selected in the
sweep menu. Use the up/down keys of the five way navigator to set the number (2 to 256 in binary
Auto Sleep:
press to set whether the unit goes into sleep mode (off) after a delay from the last key
press. Use the up/down keys of the five way navigator to set either Off, or a time between 5 mins and
60 mins.
Auto-sleep is disabled when external power is connected.
Gratic. On/Off:
press to cycle the graticule through three states: full on, horizontal lines only, off.
Reload Defaults:
press to reload the instrument set-up status as shipped from the factory.
(See section 23.1 - for list of factory defaults.
press to enter instrument calibration mode. Re-calibration can only be undertaken with
specialised equipment and in conjunction with the Service Manual which is available from TTi.
To exit this menu
and return to the home menu press the Back (Home) hard key, or the grey area at
the top left of the menu.
This menu is used to set the graticule display, set
the averaging number for sweep averaging, and to
set the delay time for auto sleep. The factory
default set-up status can also be reloaded. The
current status is shown within the menu area.