In dirty environments or when using a finger to press the screen, it may be advisable to use a Screen
Protector to prevent grease or other contaminants from damaging the screen. A Screen Protector
reduces the quality of the display somewhat, although this can be minimised by careful application.
Some people generate a considerable level of grease from their finger tips, and may find that the screen
quickly becomes smeared when regularly touched. Other people may experience no difficulties from
touching the screen without a Screen Protector in place.
Screen Protectors are available from a variety of sources.
24.2. Cleaning
If the unit requires cleaning, use a cloth that is only lightly dampened with water or a mild detergent.
Take particular care in cleaning the touch screen area. Refer to the Palm documentation for further
24.3. Maintaining Battery Condition
If left unused and disconnected for an extended period, the rechargeable batteries will discharge beyond
the point where normal operation is possible. See Section 17.3.
If an extended period without use is envisaged, it is advisable to leave the unit connected to its charger
in order to maintain the battery charge level.
24.4. Calibration
To ensure that the accuracy of the instrument remains within specification the calibration should be
checked (and if necessary adjusted) annually. The calibration adjustment procedure is detailed in the
service manual.
Trouble Shooting
25.1. Correcting Unexpected Conditions in PSAnalyzer
If the PSAnalyzer application appears to be performing in an unexpected way, the following solutions
should be tried.
1. Exit the PSAnalyzer application and restart it.
2. Recall a previously stored Set-up file from the Stores menu. (Store the current settings first if they
are important).
3. Operate the Reset button on the PSA1301/2701. This button is
located on the right-hand side of the instrument, and should be operated
using a thin non-metallic object such as a pencil tip.
This reset is non-destructive. It restarts the microprocessor in the
PSA1301/2701 but all set-up information is retained as this is reloaded
from non-volatile memory after the reset.
Note that the button is too far recessed to be operated by the stylus tip. The original stylus supplied with
the Palm T|X has a suitable thin point concealed within its cap. A replacement stylus may not have this.
4. Operate the Reload Defaults button on the System menu. This will restore the unit to its factory
defaults as listed in section 23.1.
5. If none of the above corrects the problem, try resetting the Palm T|X as detailed below.