Displaying Limit Lines
To turn a limit line on or off on the display, go to the Traces menu. The Limit Lines key in the traces
menu cycles though four states: Off > L1 > L2 > L1+L2 > Off. If no limit lines have been defined, the key
will have no effect.
Note that a limit line terminates at the highest and lowest frequencies from which it is defined. If the
current span is outside of these frequencies, no line will appear.
Screen Resolution and Trace Thickness
The high resolution of the Palm T|X screen (pixel spacing = 0.165mm) provides an excellent level of
trace detail. However, because it is drawn one pixel wide, the trace is thin and may be difficult to view
from a distance away.
If a thicker trace is required, the screen resolution can be changed from within the Traces menu, see
section 19.13. In Lo Res. mode, the graticule area is modified to have only 160 x 150 points, where
each point is made up of four pixels.
This lower resolution mode provides a thicker trace that halves the number of sweep points displayed
while retaining peak detection. Pairs of points are combined into single points using the higher of the
two amplitudes. Note that the maximum frequency resolution of the marker is halved. Greater
measurement accuracy will be achieved using Hi Res. Mode.
Changing the Palm Input Area type
The Set by Keyboard function for frequency setting, and
all Store/Recall functions brings up the standard Palm
input area at the bottom of the screen.
This input area can be alpha, numeric or graffiti.
To change the type, use the stylus to press one of
the small graphics below it:
ABC = upper case letters, abc = lower case letters, 123 =
numerics, the right-hand graphic = graffiti area.
Adjusting the Display Brightness
The display brightness can be adjusted from within PSAnalyzer by accessing the Task Bar.
To display the task bar, press the Help key. The task bar is displayed below the help screen text.
To change the brightness select the “System Info” icon from the Task Bar
(the icon which shows the time).
Set the brightness and then press the Home key to exit.
Help Screens
PSAnalyzer provides many pages of context sensitive Help screens. Each menu has its own associated
help screen which may contain several pages of scrollable text.
Some general information about the specification and capabilities of the product is also available from
the Info key under the Exit menu.
Help screens also provide access to the standard Palm Taskbar which allows the screen brightness to
be changed and Palm system information to be checked (time, date, battery status, memory status,
Wireless status and alerts). See sections 20.12.