To maintain the safety and quality level of the grid network, some countries’ local grid
authorities limit the PV generated power exporting to the grid. Zero export function can
meet this requirement and help users install a bigger PV system without violating export
Type 1: Zero Export: to limit the exporting power to zero so that can prevent the generat-
ed power feed back to the grid.
Type 2: Export Limit: to limit the exporting power within a certain value.
Type 3: Production and Consumption Monitoring: enable to measure the PV generating
under a high accuracy level.
Note: The grid type varies in different countries, please choose the right grid type accordingly.
Single Phase 230V: Mainly for residual systems in most countries except North
America and South America. The phase voltage may vary from 220V to 240V. The
outputs of microinverters are connected between live line and neutral line, L1~N.
Three Phase 230V/400V: Mainly for commercial systems in most countries except
North America and South America. The phase voltage may vary from 220V to 240V.
The outputs of microinverters are connected between live line and neutral line, L1~N,
L2~N or L3~N.
Split Phase 120V/240V: Mainly for residual systems in North America and South
America. The phase voltage may vary from 110V to 120V. The outputs of
microinverters are connected between two live lines, L1~L2.
Zero export control function
Step 1: Confirm the export control type
Step 2: Confirm the grid type