-S SD-5
- 20 -
Fig. 11
10.2 Wear Inspection - Equipment at standstill
Replace the elastic buffer ring as soon
as the coupling has a distinct torsional
backlash, or if the wear limit acc. to ta-
ble 7 has been reached.
To inspect the wear of the elastomer,
the plant has to be shut down and must
be unloaded. Turn the coupling halves
in such a manner that the claws rest
without clearance at the buffers of the
elastic ring.
Measure the claw distance ‘V’ in
circumferential direction across the buff-
ers to which the claws rest on both
sides. The adjacent buffers do not contact
the claws.
Repeat this measurement on the adjacent buffers after having turned the couplings
halves against each other in opposed direction.
If the dimension ‘V’ attains or exceeds the value „V
“ listed in table 7 for the individual
coupling sizes, the elastic buffer ring has to be replaced immediately.
Table 7
Distance dimension V
for wear measurement while the plant is at
100 125 145 170 200 230 260 300 360 400
11,4 12,7 13,8 13,6 14,3 15,4 15,3 12,1 12,1 15,4
Upon completion of the wear measurement, re-install all the protective devices and covers.