55600-001 Rev F. Printed in Canada. * trade marks and registered trade marks of
or used under licence by Trudell Medical International. Copyright © Trudell Medical
International 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010. All Rights Reserved.
The Lung Association acknowledges that peak flow monitoring is one useful tool to
measure airway obstruction.
L’Assoication Pulmonaire reconnaît que le système de surveillance du débit de pointe
est un dispositif utile pour mesurer l’obstruction des voies respiratoires.
La Asociación del Pulmón (The Lung Association) reconoce que el monitoreo de flujo
pico es una herramienta útil para medir la obstrucción de las vías respiratorias.
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Canadian Hospital Distribution /
Distribution dans les hôpitaux canadiens
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Ontario, Canada, N5V 5G4
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Email: [email protected]
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London, Ontario, Canada, N5V 5J7
Phone: +1-519-685-8800 Fax: +1-519-685-8993
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