Step 1: Solvent Recovery
The DR10 is NOT intended to be a solvent recovery solution, however, you will be able to purge the
small percentage left from your falling film evaporator. The more solvent you have left from your falling
film, the longer this step will take and the more risk you have of over working the condenser.
This process can take anywhere from 1-3 hours.
The Operating procedure TruSteel suggests is as follows:
1. Set the heater to 70 Celsius (158F)
2. Set the chiller to -10 Celcius (14F)
3. Load material into the DR10
This can either be done from a pressurized vessel or through a funnel via one of the ports on the lid.
The maximum amount of material is 10 gallons (approx. 38 Liters)
NOTE: The more solvent you have in your material, the less amount you should load into the DR10. If
you feel your material has a lot of solvent, try 6-7 gallons (23-26 Liters)
4. Set mixer at a speed where the material is being whipped without spraying up onto the lid. A nice,
consistent vortex should form.
5. As the temperature begins to rise to around 50C (Temperature of material read from the
thermocouple), begin to pull vacuum.
NOTE: Gauge your vacuum depending on the amount of “froth” that is forming on top of the material.
Use the vacuum adjustment knob. You do not want this froth to pull over into the condenser.
TIP: Lower vacuum if the material is frothing up toward the lid. Continue adjusting vacuum throughout
this process.
6. As you feel the material is purging of solvent, you can try to raise the heater temperature to 80C
(176F) Continue to gauge how much vacuum you can pull at this higher temperature.
7. Repeat step 6, by raising the heater to 90C (194F) By this time you should have most of your solvent
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