er protective metal sheet (49)
fastened over the opening for
the recirculating air duct
(Accessory: Art. no. 39010-
The warm air system is de-
signed for each type of vehi-
cle individually, on a modular
basis. There is an extensive
accessories program available
(refer to brochure). You can
obtain sketch diagrams free
of charge from the Truma
Service Centre, showing op-
timal installation suggestions
for warm air systems in all
current-type caravans and
mobile homes.
Fitting the
Control panel
When using Con-
trol panels which are specific
to the vehicle or manufactur-
er, the electrical connection
must be effected in accor-
dance with Truma interface
specifications. Any modifica-
tion made to the Truma com-
ponents pertaining to this will
lead to the cancellation of the
guarantee and to the exclusion
of any claims for liability. The
installer (manufacturer) is re-
sponsible for providing oper-
ating instructions for the user
as well as for the labelling of
the Control panels.
When selecting the location,
take note that the Control
panels must not be subjected
to any direct radiant heat.
Length of the connection ca-
ble 4 m or 10 m.
If installation is only possible
behind curtains or in similar
locations with temperature
fluctuations, a remote sensor
for the ambient temperature
must be used (special acces-
Installing the flush-
fitted Control panel
(available from 08/2002)
If it is not possible to
instal the Control panel in a
location flush with the sur-
face, Truma can provide, on
request, a surface-mounting
frame (1) (Art. no. 40000-
52600) as a special accessory.
1. Fig. H1:
Drill a hole
Ø 55 mm in diameter.
2. Plug the Control panel ca-
ble (2) into the Control panel
(3) and then fit the rear cover
cap (4) as a stress-relieving
3. Push the cable through to
the rear and lay it to the elec-
tronic control unit.
4. Secure the Control panel
with four screws (5) and fit
the cover frame (6) in place.
For the connection to
the cover frame, Truma can
provide a set of side elements
(7) as a special accessory,
Art. no. 34000-61200.
Installing the surface-
mounted Control panel
1. Fig. H2:
Drill a hole
Ø 22 mm in diameter for
feeding the cable.
2. Push the Control panel ca-
ble (8) through and lay it to
the electronic control unit.
3. Secure the Control panel
(9) with two screws (10) and
fit the rotary button (11) in
For installing the Con-
trol panel flush with the sur-
face, Truma can provide a BR
Control panel frame as a
special accessory (Art. no.
Installing the special
Control panel
Fig. H3:
For existing installa-
tion sections
1. Remove the cover screen
from the installation section.
2. Plug the Control panel ca-
ble (12) into the Control panel
(14), feed it to the rear
through the installation sec-
tion, and lay it to the Control
3. Push the Control panel (14)
in until the front face is flush
with the surface.
If there is no installa-
tion section present, the Con-
trol panel can be fitted with
the flush-fitting installation
frame provided.
If installation flush with the
surface is not possible, Truma
can provide a surface mount-
ing frame (15) (Art. no.
39050-11600) as a special
Fitting the electronic
control unit
1. Fig. H4:
Unscrew the cov-
er of the control unit.
The plug on the
electronic control unit should
only be withdrawn or plugged
in if the supply voltage had
been disconnected before-
hand. Pull the plug out straight.
2. Insert the plug on the Con-
trol panel cable (1) as shown
in the diagram onto the red
terminal strip of the control
If a timer switch
fine sensor is fitted, its plug is
to be inserted on the red ter-
minal strip. If
sory components are being
used at the same time, con-
nection is effected via the
multiple socket (Fig. H6: 6).
3. Secure the lower part with
two screws at an easily ac-
cessible location, protected
against moisture (must not be
heated to above 65°C).
4. Screw the cover of the
control unit into place.
If the appliance is assembled
on the outside of the vehicle,
the electronic control unit
must be installed inside the
vehicle, where it is protected
against moisture and dam-
age. Drill an opening of
25 mm diameter in the floor
or wall, disconnect connector
(Fig. H4: 2) of 20-pin cable
form the control unit and
pass through the opening.
Seal with cable grommet. Re-
insert connector.
In special cases, the electron-
ic control unit can be as-sem-
bled on the outside of the ve-
hicle, in a protective box, for
the electronics on the outside
(special equipment Art. no.
12 V/24 V
Electric cables, switching
units and control units for
heaters must be arranged in
the vehicle in such a way that
their satisfactory operation
cannot be adversely affected
under normal operating con-
ditions. All cables leading to
the outside must be splash
proof at the leadthrough
Prior to working on elec-
tric components the appli-
ance must be disconnect-
ed from the power supply.
Switching off at the con-
trol panel is not sufficient!
When carrying out electric
welding work on the body the
appliance connection must
be disconnected from the ve-
hicle electrical system.
Attention: If the connec-
tions are transposed there
is a risk of cable burning.
This also rules out any
guarantee or liability
The red cable is positive,
the blue cable is negative!
Connect the appliance to the
fused vehicle electrical sys-
tem (central electrical system
5 - 10 A) using the 2 x
1.5 mm
cable, for lengths
over 6 m use 2 x 2.5 mm
ble. Negative cable to central
ground. For direct connection
to the battery the positive and
negative cable must be fused.
Connections in Faston termi-
nals, fully insulated (motor ve-
hicle flat connector system,
6.3 mm).
Do not connect any other
consumers to the supply line!
When using power packs,
please observe that the appli-
ance is only to be operated
with safety extra-low voltage
in accordance with
EN 60742!
When connecting sev-
eral appliances we recom-
mend using the electronically
controlled Truma Power Pack
NT (230/12 V, 6 A, Art. no.
39900-01, or 230/24 V, 3 A,
Art. no. 39900-02 Fig. H5).
The Truma power pack is also
suitable for trickle charging of
lead-acid batteries (not for gel
batteries!) Other chargers are
only to be used with a car
battery acting as buffer.
When calculating the power
requirement always consider
the starting currents. The
peak perform-ance of power
packs can differ. A ripple con-
tent U
≤ 1 V with load is
still possible.
For saving the battery we
recommend using solar col-
lectors. Please ask for infor-
mation from your dealer.
Gas connection
The gas supply line, diameter
8 mm, is connected to the
connection fitting with olive
couplings. Carefully hold in
place with a second wrench
when tightening!
The gas connec-
tion fitting on the appliance is
not to be shortened or bent.
Prior to connecting the appli-
ance make sure that the gas
lines are free from dirt, chips
and such!
Route the pipes in such a way
that the appliance can be re-
moved again for servicing.
Keep the number of parting
connections in the gas supply
line in rooms frequented by
people to a technically feasi-
ble minimum. The gas system