left while you were engaged on your last call. If so, it rings your
phone to tell you that you have a new message, and gives you the
option to listen back to it.
If you are using a 1571 network voicemail service in conjunction with
trueCall, you will want Message Manager to answer your calls
the answering service cuts in. Some 1571 network voicemail
services answer after 10 seconds so be sure to set trueCall’s ring
duration to less than this - we recommend 9 seconds (see page 19).
trueCall works with many, but not all, voicemail services.
Call Screening - monitoring messages as they are being left
trueCall will announce all unrecognised callers. If you don’t want to
speak to a particular caller, you can tell trueCall to send them to
Message Manager to take a message. If you would like to screen
the call – to listen to the message through trueCall’s speaker as it is
being left – just press trueCall’s centre button. If you decide that you
want to speak to the caller, just pickup the phone, or if you no longer
want to screen the message, press the centre button again – this
will stop the screening but will allow the caller to continue leaving
their message.
If you would like to screen all your calls, you can switch ON the
Message Manager’s call screening feature. To switch ON or OFF
call screening or to adjust the volume of the speaker see page 20.
Ring duration
You can adjust the amount of time that your phone will ring before
Message Manager picks up and takes a message.
Audible message alerts
As well as flashing its red LED to alert you that you have new
messages or Missed Calls, trueCall can also play a warning beep
every minute. This is switched OFF by default (see page 20).
Missed Calls
Sometimes a caller gets through trueCall’s incoming call manage-
ment, the call goes to Message Manager but the caller decides not
to leave a message. We call this a
Missed Call
. If Missed Call
reporting is ON, trueCall will tell you about Missed Calls when it
plays back your messages.
Details of unwanted callers - callers who are on your Zap list, callers
who you have rejected, or callers who hung up at the Whisper or
Shield stage - are stored in your call log but are not recorded as
How trueCall handles your calls