Playing back your recordings through the setup menus
If your memory card is plugged into your trueCall unit you can play
your call recordings back from the „Listen to Call recordings‟ option
in the „Messages and Call recordings‟ menu (option 2 then option 5
from the main menu. See the trueCall Reference Guide page 17 for
information about using the setup menus).
Recordings are presented in reverse date order - the most recent
recording is played back first. This allows you to quickly review your
most recent recordings.
When listening to your recordings you have the following options:-
Press 1 to play the recording
Press 2 to move on to the next recording
Press 3 to delete the recording
- This frees up space on the
card for further recordings.
Press 4 to move back to the previous recording
Press 5 to listen to details of the recording
– trueCall can give
you additional information about each recording – the time and
date it was made, its duration, whether it was an incoming or
outgoing call and the phone number of the person you called or
who called you (if their number is available).
Press 6 to archive the recording
– You can archive any
important recordings. Archived recordings can‟t be deleted by
mistake through the setup menu, they can only be deleted
through trueCall‟s Message Centre on your computer. You can
listen to archived recordings through the „Archived Recordings‟
option in the „Messages and Call recordings‟ menu.
Press 7 to skip back 20 seconds
- Skip back 20 seconds to an
earlier part of the recording.
Press 8 to ring the caller/person you called
- If you have the
phone number of the person you called or who called you, ring
back allows you to call them back directly. Unlike other ringback
services, there is no additional call charge for this feature - the
call cost is the same as it would have been had you dialled the
number yourself.
Press 9 to skip forwards 20 seconds -
Skip forwards 20
seconds through the recording.
Playing back recordings