trueCall Call Recorder
trueCall Call Recorder is a memory card that allows trueCall to
record your incoming and outgoing telephone conversations, and
save important messages. Recordings saved to the card can be
played back directly through your telephone handset or on your
computer using trueCall Message Centre software.
trueCall Call Recorder is supplied on an SD memory card similar to
those used in digital cameras, but trueCall will only operate with
genuine trueCall Call Recorder memory cards.
Why record calls?
If you have a record of what was said on a call, it is easier to resolve
Disputes over products or services you have bought
Banks and insurance companies keep recordings of calls for
their own protection in case of a dispute - why shouldn‟t you
have access to the same information?
If you receive malicious calls, this information may make it
easier to take legal action to stop them.
Harassment by debt collection companies
Keep a record of what you agreed to in case of mis-selling and
For information about the legality of recording calls see page 13.
trueCall Message Centre
Your Call Recorder memory card can be plugged into a computer
and your recordings can be transferred to your hard disk using
trueCall Message Centre software.
trueCall Message Centre software is supplied on the memory card. It
requires a PC running Windows XP or Windows Vista, or an Apple
Mac running OSX with PC emulation such as Parallels. It also runs
under the Wine emulator with the Fedora Core 10 Linux operating
If your computer doesn‟t have a slot to accept an SD card then plug
the card into the supplied adaptor, and plug the adaptor into a free
USB socket.