GR7000C GOLF GREENS ROLLER - Operation, Maintenance & Parts Manual
It is necessary to ensure there is a minimum of 3/8” oil in the plastic expansion cup when in
the cold state. Do not over fill the cup as it is an expansion chamber to collect the oil from the
transmission when operating at high temperatures. Check oil level after rolling 3-4 greens, then
later when it has cooled off.
IMPORTANT: When the transmission is cold always ensure the minimum amount of oil is present
in the cup, as indicated by the minimum oil mark on the plastic cup. if the cup is dry of oil the
transmission will cavitate, overheat and lose drive ability.
There is a grease nipple or zirk located on the smoothing head centre ball joint swivel. Apply
grease to lubricate fitting.
Grease drive roller bearings, sparingly.
LubricateTransmission yoke slides, where the strut connects to the yoke on both sides.
Rod ends.