TROY Group, Inc.
WebXAdmin Utility
allows you to configure the print server with a standard web
browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
no additional software is needed on the system.
can be used on any system that supports web browser capabilities.
type the IP address into your web browser address bar to connect.
the default password is ACCESS.
HP JetAdmin Utility
an HP Windows-based utility (TROY print server works
transparently with JetAdmin).
HP Web JetAdmin Utility
a web browser-based HP utility (works with web browsers like
Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer).
can be downloaded from the HP web site
Command Console
a command-line-oriented console.
contains features not available through ExtendView, XAdmin32,
or WebXAdmin.
the default password is ACCESS.
can be accessed via TELNET, TROY XConfig NetWare Utility, or
for a list of console commands (refer to the PocketPro
USB Administrator’s Guide for a complete list of commands, or
visit the TROY web site at
NOTE: When connected, press ENTER to get the “#” prompt, enter
the password ACCESS, and press ENTER to get a “Local>” prompt
(no response required for the “Enter Username>” prompt). When the
“Local>” prompt appears, the console is ready to accept commands.
NOTE: The HP JetAdmin Utility is no longer available for download
from the HP web site.