State Library of Queensland Wiki
Rayjet 300 Laser Cutter
2019/08/01 08:17
Rayjet 300 Laser Cutter
Laser Cutter Checks
The Edge standard checks for the Rayjet 300.
Laser Cutter Preflight Checks - Prepare Your Job
Hot Work Permit active
Material purchased, checked by supervisor
Honeycomb correctly seated on bed
Focal distance correctly calibrated to stock
Starting position of laser is correct
Laser Cutter Preflight Checks - Supervisor Check
Starting position of laser is correct - verified by Supervisor
Bed is correctly seated - verified by Supervisor
Focus alignment - verified by Supervisor
All cut settings - verified by Supervisor
number of passes
Auto focus feature disabled - verified by Supervisor
Update Settings, apply and press OK
Laser Cutter Checks - During Cut
Start job from Laser Cutter NOT software
Avoid looking directly at the laser flash
Prolonged exposure to laser flash may cause eye strain
Abort job if material catches fire
Pause Job to adjust
repeat pre-flight check if needed
Laser Cutter Checks - After Cut
Wait 30 secs for fumes to clear
Remove Job
Brush out or vacuum debris