1. Select C A LI option.
2. Follow instructions on screen.
1. S e le c t PRINT option.
To print screen to CBM 8 0 1 -803-1000 printers, follow instruc
tions on screen.
1. Select NEW option.
2. Select YES at bottom of screen to cle ar current screen.
1. Select ERASE option.
This option e ra ses last option drawn on screen.
1. Select BORD.
This option ch an ges the border colour to current pen colour.
1. Select C U C O .
This option ch an ges cursor colour to current pen colour.
PEN 1-2-3.
Exam ple:
1. Select Pen 1.
2. Select colour Blue.
3. Select Pen 2.
4. Select colour G reen .
5. Select Pen 3.
6. Select colour Red.
7. Draw line on screen using DRAW option.
8. Select Pen 2.
9. Draw line on screen using DRAW option.
10. Select Pen 3.
11. Draw line on screen using DRAW option so that lines all
intersect at several points.
Note that where lines intersect the colours do not m erge as
would have happen ed if only one Pen had been used.
1. Select BA CK.
2. Select colour.
N ote:— The pen will only draw on a bright colour and will
NOT draw over black. You may draw on a bright colour and if
a dark background was required simply ch ange the b ack