Triton Systems ©
seal control panel trim
Preparing the wall opening correctly is important. Any cavity in the wall should be sealed to provide a flush sur-
face. A suitable water-resistant sealant is required around the periphery of the control panel trim on the exterior
wall. This seal is necessary to prevent water intrusion. The gap between the ATM and the wall opening should be
left clear to allow air to circulate at room temperature on the interior.
Do not seal between bottom edge of control panel trim and exterior wall to allow water to drain.
1. Using a water-resistant sealant, such as caulk, seal the control panel trim to the exterior wall along the top
edge and both sides, as shown above.
2. Do not caulk bottom edge of trim.
3. If ARGO FT is not located under an awning, seal the inner perimeter of control panel trim to the control
panel along all four sides.
Required- seal outer
If no awning, seal inner
perimeter of trim