Optimizing the Video Picture
To achieve an optimal video picture for the Remote Console you may follow the steps as given here:
1. Press the Auto Adjust button once (see the Section called Remote Console Control Bar for details).
2. Choose the option “Video Settings” from the Options Menu of the Remote Console. Press the button
“Reset this Mode”.
Figure 5-18. Remote Console Video Settings: Reset this Mode
3. Again, press the Auto Adjust button once.
4. The B050-000 detects the video mode with 8 bits (256 colors) automatically. To improve the picture quality you
may select 16 bit (True Color) from the Options Menu of the Remote Console, sub menu “Encoding”, entry
“Color Depth” (see the Section called “Encoding” for details).
5. Finally, if the Remote Console transfer rate is too high you may do an adjustment using the Noise filter. The
higher the filter level the more information is filtered from the transferred video picture (see the Section called
“Video” in Chapter 6 for details) and the data rate is reduced.
Currently, the video picture with the best quality can be achieved with the settings “16 bit (High Color)” in the Remote
Console or “LAN (High Color)” in the web frontend. This option can also be preset in the Section called “User Console”
in Chapter 6.
The sub menu “Compression” from the Options menu has no influence on the picture quality but on the data rate of the
picture that is transferred to the Remote Console.
Reducing the Noise of the Video Picture
To reduce the noise from the video picture for the Remote Console you may adjust the Noise filter. Prior to that we
recommend you optimize the video picture as described in the Section called Optimizing the Video Picture. In most cases
the rate of transferred data indicates the noise level. The higher the transfer rate, the higher the noise of the video picture.
You may do an adjustment using the Noise filter. The higher the filter level the more information is filtered from the
transferred video picture (see the Section called “Video” in Chapter 6 for details) and the data rate is reduced.
5. Usage