TMCM-013 Manual (V1.14 / January 17th, 2006)
Copyright © 2005, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
1 Features
The PD-013-42 is a mechatronic stepper motor module with step-/direction interface plus remote
configuration access. It is based on the TMCM-013-42 one axis stepper motor controller and driver for
integration directly on a NEMA-17 motor. The TMCM-013-LA supports NEMA-17 linear actuators. With
up to 1.5 A coil current it operates from a single 7 to 30V power supply. It provides step/direction, RS-
485 and an optional pseudo DC interface for remote control. Up to 256 micro steps are available for
either high accuracy or high speed. It integrates velocity and torque control as well as positioning
mode. An update of the firmware is possible via the serial interface. The system features sensorless
stall detection (StallGuard
Mechatronic step-/ direction stepper driver for general decentralized applications
Remote diagnostics / feedback allows for high-reliability drives
Motor type
Coil current from 300mA to 1A RMS (1.5A peak)
7V to 30V nominal supply voltage
PANdrive Motor data
all PANdrive motors optimized for 1A RMS coil current
please refer to motor data sheet for detailed motor information
Remote controlled diagnostics and parameterization (RS485)
Reference move and turn CW / CCW via RS485
Stand-alone operation, adjusted via RS485
Fully protected drive
Digital selection of motor current and standby current
Local reference move using sensorless StallGuard feature or reference switch
All setup parameters are stored in internal EEPROM, no bus system required in end application
Micro step resolution can be changed to get high accuracy or high speed with the possibility to
combine both
Different chopper modes allow best adaptation to application / motor
Many adjustment possibilities make this module the solution for a great field of demands
pluggable JST connectors
RoHS compliant latest from 1 July 2006
Order code
Dimensions [mm³]
PANdrive 0.27Nm
53 x 42 x 42
PANdrive 0.35Nm
59 x 42 x 42
PANdrive 0.49Nm
69 x 42 x 42
Electronics module
14 x 42 x 42
Electronics module
14 x 42 x 50
Table 1.1: Order codes