IDX Manual (V1.15 / September 26
, 2008)
Copyright © 2005-2008, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
is a small and rugged step / direction stepper motor driver system with a supply
voltage of up to 50V and up to 3.5A RMS motor coil current (up to 75V and up to 5A RMS for
IDX 7505). It can be controlled via an RS-485 interface. Up to 256 micro steps are supported for either
high accuracy or high speed. An update of the firmware is possible via the serial interface. The system
features sensorless stall detection (StallGuard
) and full protection. The module is fully protected and
comes with a stand-alone reference search feature.
The motor, switches and power supply can be connected easily with screw terminal connectors.
The housing is based on a thick aluminum plate which is used as a heatsink.
Step-/ Direction stepper driver for industrial applications
Remote diagnostics / feedback allows for high-reliability drives
Centralized motor driver mounted in switchboard
Decentralized motor driver mounted near motor
Motor type
Coil current from 500mA to 3.5A RMS (5A peak) (IDX)
Coil current from 500mA to 5.0A RMS (7A peak) (IDX 7505)
12V to 50V nominal supply voltage (or any value in between) (IDX)
12V to 75V nominal supply voltage (or any value in between) (IDX 7505)
Remote controlled diagnostics and parameterization (RS485)
Reference move and turn CW / CCW via RS485
Stand-alone operation, adjusted via RS485
Fully protected drive
Digital selection of motor current and standby current
Local reference move using sensorless StallGuard feature or reference switch
All setup parameters are stored in internal EEPROM, no bus system required in end application
Micro step resolution can be changed to get high accuracy or high speed with the possibility to
combine both
Different chopper modes allow best adaptation to application / motor
Many adjustment possibilities make this module the solution for a great field of demands
Order code
48V, 3.5A IDX module
IDX 7505
75V, 5A IDX module
Table 1.1: Order codes