2.1.14 Select LOS mode of operation and the appropriate RF power level (25 or 50 watts
power source dependent) on the TCR-MBA-50 WB power amplifier (refer to the
TCR-MBA-50 WB Operator’s Manual for information on how to setup the power
amplifier for LOS operation). The PA is setup for auto-on and should turn on whenever
external power is applied or when two charged batteries are installed and the system is
turned on.
2.1.15 Tune RAD1 to the receive frequency and the appropriate CTCSS tone squelch.
2.1.16 If a duplexer is not available, tune RAD2 to the transmit frequency (frequency
should be at least 15% higher than the receive frequency) and the appropriate CTCSS tone
2.1.17 If a duplexer is not available, install the antennas with at least 50 feet of horizontal
separation or 10 feet of vertical separation.
2.1.18 Refer to Figure 2-9 and setup the field radios using the repeater for half-duplex
operation with the opposite frequencies as the repeater (the repeater’s receive frequency
must be the field radio’s transmit frequency and the repeater’s transmit frequency must be
the field radio’s receive frequency).
2.1.19 The system is now ready for repeater operation and retransmission operations can
: Repeater operation relies on the receive radio squelch
activation. Noise squelch should not be used in the repeater mode
as it is very susceptible to false activation of the repeater due to
interference. Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System or CTCSS
squelch should be used instead for a more reliable repeater