Trevi Spa User Guidea
Your contacts
Thank you for placing your trust in Trevi
You can, at any time, view and retrieve online guarantees, construction specifications, installation guides,
procedures for opening and closing, maintenance guides and a host of important documents for the proper
operation of your new purchase at
TREvI.CA - Customer Access
Now a single number to reach us:
514 22-TREVI
Repair departement :
Phone: 514 22-TREVI (87384),
Ext. 2
Email : [email protected]
Delivery departement :
Phone : 514 22-TREVI (87384),
Ext. 3
Email : [email protected]
Installation departement:
Phone : 514 22-TREVI (87384),
Ext. 4
Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Rev. : 02/2014