Trevi Spa User Guidea
This indicates a problem with the connections of the terminals or power lines.
Check to see if the connections of the terminals at the input are well executed.
Have the quality of the power lines checked by a certified electrician.
You should read 240V between phase 1 (L1) and phase 2 (L2), and 120v between each phase and neutral.
in.xm F1 fuse is blown
Fan, turbine, circulating pump and fibre optics.
Replace the F1 fuse that has blown with a fuse of same calibre (SC-20, SC - 25, etc.)
If the new fuse blows, unplug the fan, the turbine, the circulation pump and the fibre optic.
Replace the fuse and reconnect all the elements one-by-one until the fuse blows.
Replace the element that blew the fuse.
in.xm F2 fuse has blown
Pump 2, pump 3 or turbine more than 5A.
Replace the fuse F2 fuse which has blown with a fuse of the same calibre (SC-20, SC-25, etc.)
If the new fuse blows, unplug pump 2, pump 3 or the turbine.
Replace the fuse and reconnect all the elements one by one until the fuse blows.
Replace the element that blew the fuse.
in.xm F3 fuse is blown
Pump 1
Replace the F3 fuse which has blown with a fuse of the same calibre (SC-20, SC-25, etc.)
If the new fuse blows, replace pump 1.
The temperature inside the spa skirt is too high
The temperature inside the spa skirt is too high, causing an increase in the internal temperature of in.xm above normal limits
(overheat condition).
Remove the skirt of the spa and cool the system.
You may have to trip and then reset the circuit breaker to clear the error.
Temperature above 44°C (112°F) temperature – overheating condition
The keypad displays a temperature of 44°C (112°F) and flashes. The system detects a higher water temperature than 44°C
(112°F – overheating condition).
Remove the spa protection (cover, lid...) and allow the water to cool.
Add cold water and decrease the filtration cycle.
If the error persists, measure the temperature of the water with a DIGITAL thermometer and compare its reading to the
display. If temperature readings are different, replace the in.therm and if the problem persists, replace the
Spa Pack
in.xm water heater error codes