Pasta with ground meat and vegetables
– number of persons: 5
500 g pasta
500 g ground beef
3 pepper halves (green, yellow, and red)
250 g champignon mushrooms
2 large onions
3 cloves of garlic
1 can of whole peeled tomatoes
1 small tin of tomato purée
10 green olives
5 bouillon cubes
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoonfuls of paprika powder
3 tablespoonfuls of Italian spices
2 tablespoonfuls of green pesto
Pepper/ salt
Cook the pasta “al dente” in slightly salted water. In the meantime, fry and crush the hamburger meat
together with pepper and salt. Add the finely chopped onion and garlic and fry it all together briefly; then
crumble the bouillon cubes and add the bay leaves, the paprika powder, the Italian spices, and the pesto.
Add the cut-up paprika, the sliced-up champignon mushrooms, and the peeled tomatoes (chopped), as
well as the olives and the tomato purée. Drain the pasta and mix it with the vegetable/hamburger mix.
Creamy pasta with salmon
– Number of persons: 4
4 to 6 ripe tomatoes
1 pot of ricotta/mascarpone
500g pasta (such as tagliatelle or fetuccine)
400g smoked salmon
seasoning (pepper, salt, basil)
Cook the pasta “al dente”. In the meantime, cut up the tomatoes into little cubes and fry them briefly in
olive oil. While you are doing this, shred the salmon and mix it with the tomatoes. Fry briefly; then add the
ricotta or mascarpone while stirring. Season with pepper and salt (to taste) and allow the sauce to cook for
a little while longer. If it gets too thick, you can always add some light cream or milk. Serve together with
the pasta, possibly also with fresh herbs, such as basil. Peppers or zucchinis etc. may be used instead of
Pasta with king prawns, garlic, tomato and arugula
– Number of persons: 1
4 king prawns, peeled and cleaned
approx. 125 g spaghetti
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
3 to 4 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
25 g arugula, very coarsely chopped