EIS-1, EIS-2, EIS-4
Page 26
Timer settings:
Parameter is used to enable and disable the timer function.
User can select between
day or week
mode. In day mode the timer will control on
the day table which is the same for all week. In week mode the user can define different
setting for each day in the week.
Timer controls:
Output controlled by the timer function.
Output 1 or Output 2
Output mode:
Output mode management definition.
OUTPUT mode options Description
Slave mode
The behavior of the outputs (Time pulse or Latching mode) is
defined in the
Master mode:
When the output is driven by the timer (output is activated by
the timer) the outputs are in latching mode regardless of the
setting in
tab. When the output is not activated by the
timer, the outputs are working by the defined settings in
Output precondition
In this mode Timer is used as PRECONDITION for output
control used by other functions like PIN access or Called ID
Table 2: WEB Server-Timer setting, output mode options
With the definition of the holiday days (use day picker), user can define special
behavior on the holiday days.
The described settings are the same for both timers.