Société Trane
BP 6 - 1, rue des Amériques
88191 Golbey Cedex
http : //
An American Standard Company
Société Trane - Société Anonyme au capital de 61 005 000 Euro - Siret 306 050 188-00011 -
RCS Epinal B 306 050 188
Numéro d'identification taxe intracommunautaire :
FR 83 306050188
Literature stocking location : Europe
Trane reserves the right to alter any information without prior notice.
For additional information, contact :
Distributor / Installer stamp
The constructor's policy is one of continuous product
improvement, and he reserves the right to alter any details of
the products at any time without notice
This publication is a general guide to install, use and properly
maintain our products. The information given may be
different from the specification for a particular country or for a
specific order. In this event, please refer to your nearest