Follow best practices when implementing a backup and restore procedure plan for your system.
Backups do not include license files.
If a microSD card has been installed in the Symbio 800, it will store up to ten backups
Tracer Graphical Programming (TGP2) programs are created and downloaded to Symbio 800 by
using the Tracer TU service tool. To view the status of programs after they have been downloaded
to Symbio 800, select
Tools > Programs
from the left navigation menu. The
list page
shows the how often programs in Symbio 800 run and the most recent run time.
Custom TGP2 routines for installed equipment can now be viewed in real-time. Data points in the
routine will reflect present value and gets updated for every 15 seconds.
See the Tracer TU Service Tool Getting Started Guide (TTU-SVN01).
System Logs
System logs that are currently on the system are available for viewing or exporting. System logs
can be the standard “hydra” log files (hydra.log, hydra.log.0, hydra.log.1, hydra.log.2, hydra. log.3,
hydra.log.4), any stack dump log files (stackdump.log.x), or any additional log files that may be
generated by a Symbio 800 application and/or process.
From the left navigation menu click
Tools > System Logs
Recent Usage
Resource Usage displays system usage among applications, memory, and points. This is primarily
used by Trane Technical support.
BACnet Information
Information about BACnet configurations is shown on this page. This information is typically used
by Trane Technical Support.
Configuring Basic Settings for the Symbio 800
These settings are for regional specifications, system units, communications, and licensing. These
settings were configured during initial configuration at the factory. Some of these settings can be
Figure 47. Basic Settings