Model Number Description
Digit 1-4 — Chiller Model
CGAX: Cooling-only unit
CXAX: Heat pump unit
-7 — Unit Nominal Size
015: 15 ton
017: 17 ton
020: 20 ton
023: 23 ton
026: 26 ton
030: 30 ton
036: 36 ton
039: 39 ton
045: 45 ton
035: 35 ton
040: 40 ton
046: 46 ton
052: 52 ton
060: 60 ton
— Unit Voltage
E: 400V/3ph/50Hz
Digit 9 — Manufacturing Plant
1 = Europe
Digit 10-11 — Design Sequence
A: Factory asigned
0: Factory asigned
Digit 12 — Effi ciency Level
1: Standard Effi ciency Class (B)
2: High Effi ciency
Digit 13 — Agency Listing
E: CE Certifi cation
Digit 14 — Pressure Vessel Code
4: Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
Digit 1
— Condenser Temperature Range
A: Standard operating map (5°C/46°C)
C: Low Ambient Cooling (CGAX -18°C/46°C;
CXAX -10°C/46°C)
Digit 16, 17 — Open for future options
Digit 1
— Freeze Protection (Factory-Installed Only)
X: Without freeze protection
2: With freeze protection by heaters
3: With freeze protection by pump activation
Digit 19, 20 — Open for future options
Digit 21 — Evaporator Application
A: Comfort application (5°C/20°C)
B: Process application (CGAX: -12°C/5°C;
CXAX: -10°C/5°C)
Digit 22 — Water Connection (Evaporator)
1: Grooved pipe
2: Grooved pipe, couplings and pipestub
Digit 23 — Condenser Fin Material
B: Standard aluminum fi ns on Heat Pumps
E: Epoxy aluminum fi ns on Heat Pumps
H: Microchannel (MCHE) on Cooling-only Units
J: E-coating on MCHE on Cooling-only units
Digit 24 — Condenser Heat Recovery
X: Without Heat Recovery
2: Partial Heat Recovery
Digit 2
— Open for future options
Digit 26 — Starter Type
A: Across-the-line starter
B: Solid State Soft Starter
Digit 27, 2
, 29 — Open for future options
Digit 30 — Human Interface
A: Standard display
B: Deluxe touch display
X: Without display
Digit 31 — Communication Options
X: Without remote communication
1: ModBus Interface
2: LonTalk Interface
3: Smart Web Interface
4: BACnet Interface
Digit 32 — Customer Input/Ouput Options
X: None
A: With