Trouble Shouting
Recommended action
F. Noisy compressor
1. Damaged internal parts
Replace compressor
2. Liquid floodback (abnormally cold suction
Check and adjust superheat
line and low superheat)
3. Liquid refrigerant in compressor at start-up
a. Check crankcase heater
b. Check for refrigerant overcharge.
G. System short of capacity
1. Low charge
Add refrigerant
2. Clogged filter drier
Replace filter drier
3. Incorrect expansion valve setting
Replace expansion valve
4. Expansion valve stuck or obstructed
Replace expansion valve
5. Low evaporator water flow
Check strainers. Adjust water flow
6. Noncondensibles in the system
Evacuate and recharge system
7. Leaky valves in compressor
Replace compressor
H. Suction pressure too low
1. Short of refrigerant
Find and repair leak; recharge system
2. Thermostat set too low
Readjust thermostat
3. Low water flow
Check strainers and adjust balancing valve.
4. Clogged filter drier
5. Expansion valve faulty
I. Suction pressure too high
1. Excessive cooling load
Check for cause of excessive load
2. Expansion valve overfeeding
a. Verify remote bulb is properly attached
b. Adjust superheat setting
3. Suction valve broken (i.e. noisy compressor)
Replace compressor
J. Discharge pressure too low
1. Shortage of refrigerant
Find and repair leak.
2. Broken or leaky compressor discharge valve
Replace compressor
K. Discharge pressure too high
1. Condenser airflow restricted
Check fan motor, clean coil
2. Air or noncondensible gas in system
Evacuate and recharge system
3. Refrigerant overcharge
Recover excess refrigerant
4. Excessive system load
Check cause