7) Install the lower anchor frame
{pos. 28, #36205}. Place the remaining axle
{pos. 09, #36365} through the hole nearest
the rounded edge. Now install the anchor
axle {pos. 56, #36225} through the other
hole, and then through an adjusting washer
{pos. 11, #9826}. (Figure 149). Make sure
the anchor axle is properly seated in the BSO
8) Install the lower jaw frame
{pos. 57, #36215}. The frame must be
installed axactly as shown in Figure 147.
Make sure all axles slide through the
corresponding holes. Now place an adjusting
washer on top of the axles resting in the
jaw frame. See Figure 150.
9) Install the upper jaw frame
{pos. 57, #36215}. The frame must be
installed axactly as shown in Figure 151.
10) Install the upper anchor frame
{pos. 28, #36205}. The frame must be
installed axactly as shown in Figure 149.
Figure 149
Figure 150
Figure 151
Figure 152