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Installation Checkout
Rev 0: 28 Feb 2019
Installation Manual Select GNSS Device
This page will allow you to select an appropriate WAAS GPS source for the KTX2. Note that the
NexNav mini is currently the only compatible GPS source.
When “NexNav mini” is selected, the baud rate will be automatically set. Select Length / Width and GNSS Antenna Offset
These selections will help determine the exact position of the GPS antenna on the aircraft.
1. Select the “Length/Width sub-menu and enter the appropriate values in meters
(rounded up):
2. Select the “GNSS Ant. Offset” sub-menu and enter the longitudinal (distance from the
aircraft nose) and lateral (distance from the aircraft centerline) offset for the installed
GPS antenna.
If “NexNav mini is NOT selected, the KTX2 does not meet the requirements for the 2020
Mandate and does not qualify as an ADS-B transponder.