Battery Saving
1) Vehicle Battery Saving Function
In the smart key system, signals are emitted outside the vehicle at a prescribed interval (250 msec.) when
the doors are locked. Therefore, the vehicle battery could be drained if the vehicle remains parked for
a long time. For this reason, the controls listed below are effected.
No response from key for
Signal transmission interval is extended from 250 msec to 750 msec
No response from key for
more than 5 days
Signal transmission interval is extended from 250 msec. to 750 msec.
No response from key for
Automatically deactivates the smart key system
No response from key for
more than 14 days
Automatically deactivates the smart key system.
Reinstatement Conditions
A wireless door lock remote control signal (lock, unlock, or trunk lid open) is input and the ID matches.
A user carries the key and pushes a lock switch signal for the outside door handle.
A door is locked or unlocked using the mechanical key.
2) Key Battery and Vehicle Battery Saving Function
In the smart key system, if the key is constantly located within the vehicle exterior actuation area of the
doors, the system will maintain periodic communication with the key. Therefore, if the vehicle remains
parked in that state for a long time, the key battery and the vehicle battery could be drained.
For this reason, if this state continues longer than 10 minutes, the smart key system automatically
becomes deactivated.
Reinstatement Conditions
A wireless door lock remote control signal (lock, unlock, or trunk lid open) is input and the ID matches.
A user who has the key in their possession pushes a lock switch signal on an outside handle.
A door is locked or unlocked using the mechanical key.