TC36.NGST03C 031111-20
Fig. # 16
Fig. # 17
Hold the burner tube in a position so
that the shutter control rod can be
inserted into the shutter tab (Fig. #16)
after passing through the rod hole in
the top right corner of the front burner
shield. (See Fig. #32).
Set the burner tube into place
ensuring that it slips over the orifi ce
on the manifold assembly. Align the
attachment holes line up with the
holes in the tray.
NOTE: Shutter must be fully open
for propane or fully closed for
natural gas (push down on the
shutter control rod to open, pull up
to close). Some adjustment may be
required (see page 17).
Position the center media spacer
on the inside of the burner tube and
attach using two long screws (Fig.