Facing material may be screwed directly into the body
of the appliance with the exception of areas indicated.
1in. below rivets
Recessed area
(Front and rear)
3in. above trim
3in. below trim
Do not use screws
in these areas
Recessed area
Figure 9: Facing attachment area for Top Intake models.
Before framing and finishing, there are two important points to keep in mind:
1. When securing wooden studs to the top of the unit, the screws can be secured through any part of
the upper fastening area surface (Figure 8).
2. Facing material can be secured directly to the front and sides of the unit except in the areas
indicated in this example by Figure 9. Each model will have its own specific areas in which screws
must not be driven into.
Framing material can be screwed directly to the
attachment rim around the top of the appliance.
Figure 8: Stud securing points for Top Intake models.
031220-60 Architectural Series