While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremely high stress fl ying,
such as racing, or if a motor larger than the one included
is used, the modeler is responsible for taking steps
to reinforce the high stress points and/or substituting
hardware more suitable for the increased stress.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends on how
you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way guarantee the
performance of your completed model, and no representa-
tions are expressed or implied as to the performance or
safety of your completed model.
Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
Radio Components
A transmitter and receiver with 4-channels minimum
(6-channel for optional retracts and fl aps) is required. The
Tactic TTX650 6-channel or Futaba 6J 6-channel radio system
are great low-cost radio systems perfect for the P-51 Mustang
EP Series ARF.
TACJ2650 Tactic TTX650 6-channel SLT Computer
FUTK6000 Futaba 6J 6-channel S-FHSS System
Battery and Charger
A 3S 1800mAh – 2200mAh LiPo battery is required to power
the P-51 Mustang ARF.
ElectriFly 3S 1800mAh 30C (GPMP0855)
ElectriFly 3S 2200mAh 30C (GPMP0861)
FlightPower 3S 1800mAh 50C (FPWP5183)
FlightPower 3S 2200mAh 30C (FPWP3223)
FlightPower 3S 2200mAh 50C (FPWP5223)
Most modelers may already have a suitable LiPo charger,
but for those that do not, the Duratrax Onyx 235 AC/DC
Advanced Peak Charger (DTXP4235) is one of the suitable
chargers recommended. The Onyx charger is perfect for
3S batteries used with the P-51 Mustang ARF and may be
powered either by an external DC power source (such as
a 12V battery), or a 110V AC outlet. The Onyx also has an
adjustable charge rate to charge your batteries in as little
as a half-hour or less (depending on the condition of your
batteries and the manufacturer’s specifi ed charge rate). The
Onyx can also charge large batteries and batteries other than
LiPo. So it is a versatile charger you can grow into. The 235
also has an LCD digital display screen, so you can see how
much capacity it took to recharge the battery (required for
monitoring the condition of your batteries and calculating
how long your plane can fl y).
Optional Flaps
(2) TOWM5500 Tower Hobbies servo (for optional
fl aps)
(1) TOWA6116 Y-Harness
Optional Retracts
(1-set) Electric Retracts (FLZA6603)
(1-set) Retract Gear Covers (See included parts list.)
(1) TOWA6116 Y-Harness
Required Tools
#1 Phillip Screwdriver
CG Machine (GPMR2400)
Adjustable Wrench
regular and
#11 Knife Blades
Hobby Knife
Pro Threadlocker (GPMR6060)
2 oz. Build-It CA+ Medium (TOWR3801)
Replacement parts are available from Tower Hobbies for
your P-51. Our order assistance representatives are ready
to answer your questions or to place your order. Call us at
(800) 637-6050.
Please see the included parts list for your specifi c P-51.
Order No.
Propeller 10x7
Prop Adapter (3mm)
Motor 30-35-1000
30amp ESC
Fixed Landing Gear
Wing Bolt
Fixed Landing Gear Mount
F L Z A 6 2 1 4
F L Z A 6 2 1 8
If any parts are missing or damaged, consult
Tower Hobbies
Order Assistance
. (See phone numbers below.)
All parts are one per kit unless otherwise stated.
Toll Free Order Assistance . . . . .800 637-6050
Fax Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217 398-7721
E-mail: [email protected]