Radio Control
1) I will have completed a successful radio equipment ground
check before the fi rst fl ight of a new or repaired model.
2) I will not fl y my model aircraft in the presence of spectators
until I become a qualified flier, unless assisted by an
experienced helper.
3) At all fl ying sites a straight or curved line(s) must be
established in front of which all fl ying takes place with the
other side for spectators. Only personnel involved with fl ying
the aircraft are allowed at or in the front of the fl ight line.
Intentional fl ying behind the fl ight line is prohibited.
4) I will operate my model using only radio control frequencies
currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission.
I will not knowingly operate my model within three miles
of any pre-existing fl ying site except in accordance with
the frequency sharing agreement listed
[in the complete
AMA Safety Code].
9) Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch
a powered model in fl ight;
nor should any part of the model
other than the landing gear, intentionally touch the ground,
except while landing.
Before taking your Millennium to the air, reduce your takeoff
work load by making sure the plane rolls straight ahead. Taxi
the Millennium back and forth a few times under its own power—
do this over a paved surface if possible. If the Millennium
doesn’t roll straight adjust the nose steering pushrod in the
screw-lock connector on the rudder servo arm until you can
get it to roll straight.
In the air, the Millennium doesn’t exhibit any particular
characteristics that you need to be made aware of ahead of
time, other than it may help to carry a “click” or two of throttle
when landing. Otherwise, the Millennium responds as you
would expect and fl airs nicely for soft landings. It handles well
at reduced throttle settings, but also fl ies rather “zippy” at full-
throttle! The Millennium fl ies inverted well and can just about
hold knife-edge at full-throttle. It will exhibit a slight amount
of down pitch with rudder, but that can easily be mixed out if
desired with a small amount of elevator-to-rudder mixing. Like
most models, the Millennium also benefi ts from approximately
30% negative exponential on the high-rate throws for the
elevator and ailerons.
Flying “normally,” the Millennium consumes approximately
205mAh/minute which should provide approximately 7 minutes
of motor run time on an 1800mAh battery—of course, the run
time you can expect depends on several factors such as the
condition of your batteries, your fl ying style and even the wind
conditions (fl ying on windy days typically consumes more
power than when fl ying on calm days).
To fi nd out for yourself how long you can fl y, set your timer to
5 minutes. Fly until the timer sounds, then land. Use a charger
with a digital display to fi nd out how much capacity it took to
recharge the battery (indicating how much capacity was used).
The target is to use 80% of your battery’s capacity, so multiply
your battery’s capacity by .8 to fi nd out how much you have
available. Compare the capacity used to 80% of your battery’s
capacity and adjust your fl ight time accordingly.
For example:
If using the recommended 1800mAh battery,
to prevent over-discharging your target capacity available
is 1440mAh (1800mAh x .8 = 1440mAh). If you fl y for fi ve
minutes and it takes 1000mAh to recharge your battery, you
still have 440mAh to go before you should land, so adjust your
timer to increase your fl ight time accordingly until you reach
your 1440mAh target. (You could also divide 1000mAh by
fi ve minutes to fi gure a current consumption rate of 200mAh/
minute. Divide 1440mAh by 200mAh/minute to conclude that
you can fl y for 7.2 minutes [7 min. 12 sec.]—but round down
to 7 minutes.)
One fi nal note about fl ying your model. Have a goal or fl ight
plan in mind for
fl ight. This can be learning a new
maneuver(s), improving a maneuver(s) you already know,
or learning how the model behaves in certain conditions
(such as on high or low rates). This is not necessarily to
improve your skills (
though it is never a bad idea!)
, but more
importantly so you do not surprise yourself by impulsively
attempting a maneuver and suddenly fi nding that you’ve run
out of time, altitude or airspeed. Every maneuver should be
deliberate, not impulsive. For example, if you’re going to do a
loop, check your altitude, mind the wind direction (anticipating
rudder corrections that will be required to maintain heading),
remember to throttle back at the top, and make certain you
are on the desired rates (high/low rates). A fl ight plan greatly
reduces the chances of crashing your model just because
of poor planning and impulsive moves.
Remember to think.
Have a ball! But always stay in control
and fl y in a safe manner.
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