Mount the Wing and Tail Surfaces
1. Attach the rougher, “hook” side of the included adhesive-
back Velcro strip to the fuselage where shown. Attach the
softer, “loop” side to your battery. If more Velcro is required for
additional batteries use Great Planes 1" x 6" adhesive-back
Velcro strips (GPMQ4480).
2. Test-fi t your battery in the fuselage and cut the included
Velcro battery strap to the correct length to fi t around your
battery (a photo of the battery installed appears on page 8).
Round one end of the strap (making it easier to unhook later)
and install the strap in the fuselage.
3. Press the main landing gear into the mounts in the bottom
of the wing as shown.
4. Guide the aileron servo wire up through the hole in the
fuselage fl oor and mount the wing with the included 5mm
nylon wing bolt.