1. The serial number of the current file in the current directory mode.
2. The total number of files or folders in the current directory mode.
3. The current directory mode
4. File name of the current music
5. The current music has broadcast the time
6.The current music broadcasts the total time
7. The current music synopsis.
8. The Current music bit rate.
9.The current music broadcast pattern.
Return back to the parent directory, There is no function available if the current contents is
: play the current file/enter to current folder.
: Pause/stop the current playing music
: Play the previous song / the next song of currently playing music. Goto previous/next
page of current directory when there is no music playing.
(FR): Set the fast-backward speed, it will stop to set the fast backward speed when the progress
bar at last.
(FF): Set the fast- forward speed, it will stop to set the fast-forward speed when the progress bar
at the front-end.
GOTO, 0~9: Jump to the current list of the first
entries (files / folder) and act it.
is the number which the user input.
Music playing, double-click twice
button, and then input the number could b
jump to the specified time of current music.
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