IP Address:
This is the IP addresses to be represented by the LAN (including WLAN)
interface that is connected to the internal network. This IP will be used for the routing of the
internal network (it will be the Gateway IP for all the devices connected on the internal
Subnet Mask:
This is used to define the device IP classification for the chosen IP address
range. is a typical netmask value for Class C networks which support IP
address range from 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x. Class C network netmask uses 24 bits to
identify the network and 8 bits to identify the host.
Default Gateway:
This is the IP address of the host router that resides on the external
network and provides the point of connection to the next hop towards the Internet. This can
be a DSL modem, Cable modem, or a WISP gateway router. The router will direct all the
packets to the gateway if the destination host is not within the local network.
You can disable or enable DHCP Server here.
DHCP Client Range:
the range of IP addresses that will be assigned to each computer
connected with the router.
DHCP Lease Time:
the IP addresses given out by the DHCP server will only be valid for
the duration specified by the lease time. Increasing the time ensure client operation without
interrupt, but could introduce potential conflicts. Lowering the lease time will avoid potential
address conflicts, but might cause more slight interruptions to the client while it will acquire
new IP addresses from the DHCP server. The time is expressed in seconds.
Domain name:
this represents the name of your IP address.
Active DHCP Client Table
: the table will list the detailed information of your users.