5.4.5 Port Forwarding
Port Forwarding creates a transparent tunnel through a firewall/NAT, granting an access
from the WAN side to the particular network service running on the LAN side. These
settings are only necessary if you wish to host some sort of server like a web server or mail
server on the private local network behind your Gateway’s NAT firewall.
Enable Port Forwarding:
you can select this checkbox to enable Port Forwarding function.
P Address:
enter the Port’s IP address.
choose which particular protocol type should be forwarding. Here you can
choose Both/UDP/TCP.
Port Range:
set the range that the port forward to.
describe the reason why you want to use port forward function. Just few words
are saved there usually.
Port Forwarding Table:
this table will list the detailed information about the ports that will
be forwarded.
5.4.6 DMZ
DMZ means Demilitarized Zone. It can be enabled and used as a place where services can
be placed such as Web Servers, Proxy Servers and E-mail Servers such that these
services can still serve the local network and are at the same time isolated from it for
additional security. DMZ is commonly used with the NAT functionality as an alternative for
the Port Forwarding while makes all the ports of the host network device be visible from the
external network side.
Enable DMZ:
you can select this checkbox to Enable DMZ function.