Specialist’s Manual
dition, a set of calibrated weighing scales shall be
available and in good working order. Hoses shall be
complete with leak-free disconnect couplings and
in good condition. Before using the recovery mac-
hine, check that it is in satisfactory working order,
has been properly maintained and that any associ-
ated electrical components are sealed to prevent
ignition in the event of a refrigerant release. Con-
sult manufacturer if in doubt.
The recovered refrigerant shall be returned to the
refrigerant supplier in the correct recovery cylinder,
and the relevant waste transfer note arranged. Do
not mix refrigerants in recovery units and especially
not in cylinders.
If compressors or compressor oils are to be remov-
ed, ensure that they have been evacuated to an ac-
ceptable level to make certain that flammable refri-
gerant does not remain within the lubricant. The ev-
acuation process shall be carried out prior to re-
turning the compressor to the suppliers. Only ele-
ctric heating to the compressor body shall be em-
ployed to accelerate this process. When oil is drain-
ed from a system, it shall be carried out safely.