3-2 Travelling with the computer
User's Manual
Satellite 30DVD/35DVD – S30DVD_UK.doc – ENGLISH – Printed on 16/10/00 as
Checking through the icon
You can check the level of your battery power by bringing the cursor on top
of the Power Meter icon ( or ) of the taskbar.
When the AC adaptor is connected
When operating on battery power
If you double click, the screen of the "Power Meter" will be displayed.
How to make the Power Meter icon ( or ) appear.
In case the Power Meter icon is not displayed, please follow the steps
below to make it appear.
1. Click on [Start], [Settings] and [Control Panel]
2. Double click on [Power Management]
If the icon does not appear, please click on "Display all control panel
options" on the left side of the screen.
3. Check [Display icon normally in the taskbar] in the [Details] tab
4. Click on the [OK] button
Battery’s operating time
The running time of a battery can be slightly different depending on the
charging and the circumstances under which you are using it.
Please always thoroughly check the remaining battery power when you
are operating on battery power.
If the battery (battery pack, clock battery) is used up, the Standby mode
and Hibernation mode will not work any longer and the contents of the
memory will be lost when the power goes off. Also time and date will no
longer be displayed correctly. In this case you have to connect the
AC adaptor and charge the battery completely.
The operation time of the battery varies depending on the environment in
which the computer is used. Using a completely charged battery
The standard operation time is about 3.0 hours.