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The controller line-up must be grounded in
accordance with the requirements of the
National Electrical Code. Proper equipment
grounding must be established before making
any incoming power connection.
If a main
ground bus (Fig. 32) is furnished, make the
ground connection to this bus. If there is no
ground bus, the sections which are shipped
separately should be connected in such a way
as to ensure a continuous grounding path.
Each section contains a vertical ground bus
(Fig. 33) extending from the main ground bus
or ground pad to each controller compartment.
Special attention should be paid to protection
for operating personnel, to protection of
equipment itself, (i.e. such as ground fault
relays, if used) and protection of sensitive
t r a n s d u c e r s o r c o n t r o l d e v i c e s t h a t a r e
electronic in nature.
The following may be used as a general guide
with regard to equipment grounding.
Controller used as service eauioment for a
qrounded svstem or as a main section for a
The grounding electrode conductor
(ground wire) sized in accordance with
NEC 250-94 should be run from the
grounding electrode to the controller
ground bus or ground terminal. See
also NEC 250-91
and 250-92 (a).
Unless already done at the factory, a
main bonding jumper should be installed
from the incoming grounded connector
bus (neutral) to the ground bus or
designated grounding point. If a jumper
is not furnished, one having a size in
accordance with NEC 250-79
be selected.
Steps (a) and
should effectively
t h e g r o u n d i n g
electrode, the controller frame, all
Fig. 32 Main Ground Bus
Fig. 33 Vertical Ground Bus
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