Installation/Set up
wing • Listening
and Operation
Setting up
Set Recording
Set Record Schedule
Set Alarm Record
Set Motion Record
Ext control short/open
FTP down:re-connect
FTP down:start accumulation
FTP down:accumulation finish
FTP Server login in fail
FTP Client storage path isn't exist
FTP binary mode change fail
Mail connect
Mail connect fail
Send e-mail finish
NTP connect fail
New client
SD unmount, Recording failure
SD unmount, Accumulation failure
Completed sending accum data
discard, yymmddHHMMSS.jpg
FTP fail to write image
FTP down: Accumulaiton of xxx min (incr)
FTP down: Accumulaiton of xxx min (decr)
The DDNS setting is configured
The Record settings is configured
The record schedule is set
The recording at the time of external alarm generation is set
The recording at the time of motion detection is set
The EXT Control is short-circuited/opened
When an FTP server is down: Reconnected
When an FTP server is down: Started the accumulation
When an FTP server is down: Ended the accumulation
Failed to log in an FTP server
No directory to store in an FTP server does not exist
Failed to change to FTP binary mode
Connected to a mail server
Failed to connect to a mail server
An e-mail is completely sent
Failed to connect to an NTP server
A new client logged in to the camera
Recording failed because the SD card was not inserted
Accumulation failed because the SD card was not inserted
All the accumulated data was re-transferred to the FTP server
A yymmddHHMMSS.jpg file was discarded internally
A JPEG file failed to be written to the FTP server
The amount of data accumulated while the server was down is equivalent to xxx minutes (increase)
The amount of data accumulated while the server was down is equivalent to xxx minutes (decrease)
2004.10.22, 14:36