Exploring Your Options
Personalizing your desktop
The style you choose determines how you browse in the
Millennium Edition operating system, regardless of
whether you start from the desktop, My Computer, Windows
Explorer, or Internet Explorer.
For more information about changing your desktop style, enter
customizing the desktop
on the Index tab in Windows
Working in Web style
You can work in Web style if you prefer to organize and browse
your computer using these Web-like options:
Single-click to browse the desktop and folder.
You click only once to open an item, just as you click a Web
link to jump. Similarly, you point to items to select them.
Show Web page backgrounds in individual windows.
You can display Web pages, or any HTML page, as
background in a window. In Web style, any folder with
HTML content that is displayed as a Web page can include
artwork, Microsoft
Office documents, multimedia,
interactive forms, and so on. Some windows — such as My
Computer and Control Panel — come with a background that
displays a description of each feature when you point to its
DEFINITION: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a
special coding scheme used to prepare text and graphics for
access over the World Wide Web.