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Oct. 1995 © TOSHIBA CORP.
1.12 Drum-to-Sleeve Gap Adjustment
No adjustment is necessary since the guide contacting method is adopted for this machine.
1.13 Development Pole Adjustment
Take out the developer unit from the process
Adjustment should be made using the adjuster
plate on the rear side:
After loosening the fixing screw of the adjuster
plate, move and adjust it, using the adjust-
ment mark as a guide. Note, however, that
since the pole position was adjusted using a
special jig at the factory, it should be adjusted
only when necessary. When its fixing screw
needs to be loosened for reasons of disas-
sembly, etc., the initial position of the adjuster
plate should be remembered or marked for
later reassembly.
However, whenever the magnetic roller is re-
placed, the adjustment of the pole-position
height (H) shall be made first.
Guide roller
Guide roller