Battery Hold Down Bungee
1. The best place to keep the battery when in use
is behind the seat on the kayak. Place the battery
behind the seat in the position that you prefer.
2. Locate the battery hold down Bungee and two
of the loose padeye patches in the kit. Place them
on the kayak in the positions as shown in the image
to the right. Note that the bungee will pass over the
battery and hook to the padeyes, holding the battery
in place. Mark the location of the padeyes with a
pencil and glue in place as noted in the instructions
on page 10.
Wire Bag Padeyes
The wire bag is the black zipper bag included in this
kit. Since there is a length of cable, the bag allows
you to put the coiled up wire inside of the bag to
help keep things organized. There are two padeyes
in the kit which are glued to the kayak and provide
two locations that the bag can be clipped to.
1. The best place to the wire bag padeyes use
is behind the seat near where you are locating
the battery. Mock up the location of the bag on
your kayak and try different locations for the extra
padeyes in this kit. We recommend that the
padeyes are located so that they are on the floor of
the kayak.
2. One you find a position that you like, mark the
location of the padeyes with a pencil and glue them
down as noted in the gluing instructions on page 10.
3. Once you test mock up running the cables on the
deck of your kayak, you will see how much cable
should be coiled up inside of the bag for neater
storage of the extra length.
On Deck Installation
If you are doing an install where you are placing the battery and cables
on the deck, you do not need to drill any holes in the firewall. Follow the
instructions below on how to attach any new pieces to hold the motor
components in place.